
Photo: SJ Heaven

All dogs love snuggling up in the house with their favorite humans (you), but have you ever been curious as to which dogs are best build for– and love spending time in– the heavy snowfall and extreme temperatures of the winter months?  In keeping with our chilling theme, from last post, we’ve rounded up weather-ready breeds who love the snow (but probably still want to sleep inside).

Get ready to cuddle up with these cool customers, as we take you through five of the best known built-for-cold breeds.

5. Siberian Husky


Photo: vetSTREET

This iconic snow-faring breed originates in, you guessed it, Siberia.  From Asian landscapes to Alaskan wilderness, the husky  comes complete with a double coat to guarantee a snow-ready setup.  Hard working, and hard playing, you haven’t seen a winter breed until you’ve seen a husky frolic in the snow– talk about being in your element!  Popularized and known for their aptitude for long, cold treks; the husky was the perfect fit in Alaska for pulling the sled across impressive stretches of territory.  Thanks, sled dogs!


4. American Eskimo Dog


Photo: vetSTREET

This beautiful breed comes in three winter-ready sizes, from 12, to 15, to 19 inches of soft, fuzzy fun.  Healthy, adaptable, and affection, the eskimo dog is sweeter than a snowflake.  Keep in mind– they bark, they shed, and prefer a home with older children.  They’ll have you laughing every day, and have a distinctly comical personality that can be downright mischievous at times.  But how could you not love a face like that?  If you’re up to the task, the eskimo dog makes a great pet; just try not to let their show-stopping look make you give in to their every desire!


3. Komondor


Photo: vetSTREET

How about the deadlock mop on this one!  Daily grooming to maintain this sweet hairdo can be demanding, and–not unlike a real mop– can track in dirt.  If you’re up for a bit of cleaning, however, the Komondor can usually withstand the winter extremes.  The nice thing about the thick corded coat, however, is that there’s no shedding involved!  You’ll be rewarded for your grooming and firm leadership efforts with an intelligent and fiercely loyal breed.  In our eyes, this unique friend is well worth the work!


2. Alaskan Malamute


Photo: vetSTREET

Boy, the pretty pups just keep coming this season, don’t they?  Related to the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan was bred primarily as a work dog, to haul logs and supplies far distances, and compete in sled races.  High energy, with an appetite to match, these dogs really do mean business, but also make fantastic pets.  If you’ve met any sort of husky before, you’ll know that this breed may just be the most joyful, exuberant (excitable), and friendly pet you’ll find anywhere.  You’ll also know that they are absolute fur factories.  It all pays off at the end of the day, but hang on– they’re build to really pull a leash!


1. Icelandic Sheepdog


Photo: vetSTREET

Lastly, we had to go with this adorable little guy for a best of all worlds combo.  And would you look at that face!  Perky ears and a curled tail are matched with a very luxurious double coat, and get along very well with not only children, but other dogs and even cats.  They’re very vocal, and want to let you know about everything they see and here, but that mostly stems from the fact that they are curious and as friendly as they come.  With a sense of humor to match, their owners report that they’re among the most humorous breeds, so there’s never a dull moment with this fantastic nordic-born little friend.

There you have it, you’re now ready to roll in the snow with the best of them this winter.  We’d also like to encourage you to snuggle up in the evening in a warm house with all of the above breeds– just because they can handle the cold doesn’t mean they can be left outside at all times– a double coat is great, and they truly do love the snow, but can all suffer from frostbite and hypothermia, just like us.  So stay warm, and have fun!

Which breeds are you favorite?  Let us know, and happy winter!

Happy winter,
